Music to hunt Europeans to...
...and as I hunt down my meeting attendees, I will need an appropriate soundtrack.
Tempting as Morricone's symphony for screaming Mexicans might be (or perhaps Blur's No Distance Left to Run), it'll probably the same stuff I've been listening to for the last few weeks...Endtroducing.
Hey Hannes, remember that really annoying DJ Shadow album I used to listen to in the kitchen? Well, the first one's even more annoying.
It's a lot more like that Nightmares On Wax stuff, only less repetitive. Check out the track "Building Steam with a Grain of Salt" and see what you think.
Tempting as Morricone's symphony for screaming Mexicans might be (or perhaps Blur's No Distance Left to Run), it'll probably the same stuff I've been listening to for the last few weeks...Endtroducing.
Hey Hannes, remember that really annoying DJ Shadow album I used to listen to in the kitchen? Well, the first one's even more annoying.
It's a lot more like that Nightmares On Wax stuff, only less repetitive. Check out the track "Building Steam with a Grain of Salt" and see what you think.
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