Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Radiodread & Mates of State

Following in the footsteps of Rodeohead's (slightly tongue in cheek) bluegrass reinterpretation of OK Computer, hard on the heels of the Knockoff String Quartet's version of the same album and breathing down the neck of Christopher O Riley's classical piano homages to Radiohead's indie masterpiece comes...(drumroll, deep breath)


A song-for-song reinterpretation of Ok Computer done in a reggae stylee. What else?

The really, really sick thing about this seems to work. In fact it works so well, I think I like it. And I don't even like reggae, normally.

That said, I'm basing this opinion on some samples from the album available here. But I defy you to listen to the samples of No Surprises, Exit Music or Climbing Up The Walls - and not at least admit to a piqued curiosity. What's truly weird is that Electioneering seems to have improved in the transition from bad-tempered political rant to Bob Marley style dub anthem.

Also, Mates of State are the greatest thing since sliced bread (or Fountains of Wayne, whichever came first). Imagine the White Stripes crossed with Low and They Might Be Giants...add a smidgen (well, ok...a dollop) of Ben Folds, mix thoroughly with a sprinkle of the Magnetic Fields - and you have a band that is almost scientifically certain to annoy Cron. You can stream entire songs from here(look for the jukebox link). I particularly recommend Parachutes and Whiner's Bio.

All opinions expressed above are based on 30 second samples or streams. Your mileage may vary. Stocks may rise as well as fall. Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. Available only with a perscription. Please read all product packaging carefully. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. Serving suggestion only. Actual height may vary. Action figures and accessories sold separately. Batteries not included. Void where prohibited. If you are reading this in Texas, you have already violated several sodomy statutes. Homeland security officers will be arriving shortly. Have a nice day.