Monday, May 31, 2004

Rodeohead and Troy in 15 minutes

It's quite hard to describe what a bluegrass medley of Radiohead songs would sound like. You're probably better off right-clicking on this link and hitting "save target as". Trust won't regret it. Includes Nice Dream, Fake Plastic Trees, Karma Police, Planet Telex, 2+2=5 and a truly incredible Paranoid Android. All in 4.5 minutes.

While you're waiting for it to download, have a quick read of "Troy in 15 mins". This is funny, even if you have seen the film. Quote:

"HELEN [weepy]: I can’t wear this because I’m sort of already married to that other guy but we’ve been doing the royal nasty for a week already anyway and you’re going to leave tomorrow and WAHHHHH.

PARIS: You could stow away and come with me and start a war that will end up killing 90% of the cast and totally be the downfall of my people and my kingdom!

HELEN: *sniff* I think… that’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me."