The Wrath Of Blog

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Rational Shamanism and Mindless Link Propagation

Having recently reconvened my commune with the deities that govern domestic broadband internet access, I have belatedly discovered the delights of YouTube. Passing over thinly veiled attempts to start viral marketing campaigns, dire video blogs and sub-Jackassian fuckings around with Mentos and Diet Coke - I found items like this condemnation of Cron's pedagogical manner of speaking and this interview with the man I wish was still leader of the free world.

However, more interesting still was video of the ever so reclusive (and ever so God-like) Alan Moore. Admittedly, he's a good bit crazier than even I had imagined. He's also clearly familiar with the recreational use of hallucenogenics. But hey, when you're a hopelessly obscure literary genius, you have to get your kicks somehow.

These collected interviews provide a wealth of information on the man himself, and if you have the stomach for it, I particularly like this examination of the nature of reality and ideas. Which forms an introduction of sorts for his even weightier musings on just about everything, starting with his work on the Ripper murders and spiralling outwards. While it is advantageous to have read From Hell in advance for context (especially at the beginning) it's not strictly neccessary.

If your head isn't quite up to hacking your way through countless pages of philosophical discussion interspersed with gossip about comics, then you probably won't want to read his thoughts on the mechanics of creative writing...

Sod it. Just watch the YouTube videos. These include his appearance on the BBC's Culture Show (where, oddly, he comes across as much more humourless than he does in print) as well as some really dodgy videoes about magic and Northampton that look like they were made for late night channel 4.

Like I said, he does appear to have gone completely mad. But he does it with such style...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Radiodread & Mates of State

Following in the footsteps of Rodeohead's (slightly tongue in cheek) bluegrass reinterpretation of OK Computer, hard on the heels of the Knockoff String Quartet's version of the same album and breathing down the neck of Christopher O Riley's classical piano homages to Radiohead's indie masterpiece comes...(drumroll, deep breath)


A song-for-song reinterpretation of Ok Computer done in a reggae stylee. What else?

The really, really sick thing about this seems to work. In fact it works so well, I think I like it. And I don't even like reggae, normally.

That said, I'm basing this opinion on some samples from the album available here. But I defy you to listen to the samples of No Surprises, Exit Music or Climbing Up The Walls - and not at least admit to a piqued curiosity. What's truly weird is that Electioneering seems to have improved in the transition from bad-tempered political rant to Bob Marley style dub anthem.

Also, Mates of State are the greatest thing since sliced bread (or Fountains of Wayne, whichever came first). Imagine the White Stripes crossed with Low and They Might Be Giants...add a smidgen (well, ok...a dollop) of Ben Folds, mix thoroughly with a sprinkle of the Magnetic Fields - and you have a band that is almost scientifically certain to annoy Cron. You can stream entire songs from here(look for the jukebox link). I particularly recommend Parachutes and Whiner's Bio.

All opinions expressed above are based on 30 second samples or streams. Your mileage may vary. Stocks may rise as well as fall. Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. Available only with a perscription. Please read all product packaging carefully. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. Serving suggestion only. Actual height may vary. Action figures and accessories sold separately. Batteries not included. Void where prohibited. If you are reading this in Texas, you have already violated several sodomy statutes. Homeland security officers will be arriving shortly. Have a nice day.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Since we already have nerd porn on the page, I thought it might be instructive to see what nerd horror might look like. Look no further than:
...for some truly mind-bending examples of the multifarious ways in which innocent (and not so innocent) information processing systems can be abused.

Particularly amusing are atrocities like the customer-friendly system and the strangely familiar client management module.

There's a good description of VB there too:
VB, much like generic beer and America's Funniest Home Videos is an enabling technology for stupid people. It allows stupid people to do stupid things on scale that they couldn't accomplish on their own. While using VB does not make you a dumb programmer, being a dumb programmer does make VB your weapon of choice. That is unless you really don't know what the fuck you are doing. Then it's PHP all the way.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Filing Frenzy

It is with great pride (and some fear) that I introduce filingfrenzy, a blog devoted to Oonagh's musings about socks, filing and toes (though not necessarily in that order). Given the massive readership that the Wrath of Blog enjoys, I'm sure she'll be cashing large cheques from AdSense in virtually no time.